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i was just sent this link by someone who visited my site today (5/23/23). It's uncannily similar to a lot of the things that I've tried to describe, only it's written as a very academic and scientific research article, as opposed to my more rhetorical and philosophical writing. Interestingly the article was published all the way back in 2011

the more i read the more i notice uncannily similar ideas they already observed. things like "algorithmic identity", "digital artifacts"/"cultural objects",
"technologically-mediated and culturally-situated consequence"
"we are entering an online world where our identifications are largely made for us"
"algorithmic inference works as a mode of control, of processes of identification that structure and regulate our lives online within the context of online marketing and algorithmic categorization."

it even references the writing of focault and deluze, which I also thought of a lot in the context of the internet

human neurons interfacing with patterns in electronics will grow to become part of an algorithm
social media, among other implementations of algorithims in the everyday life of post-industrial society, provides this interface.
our culture increasingly requires this interfacing

"We've made huge strides with silicon computing, but they're still rigid and inflexible," says Brett Kagan, an author of the study and chief scientific officer at Cortical Labs in Melbourne, Australia. "That's something we don't see with biology."

example of brain atrophy caused in absence of socialization and environment-
both of which are needed for pattern reinforcement/development, which the brain needs and instictually seeks out in order to retain shape and remain functional.
The survival of neurons relies on making connections not just with themselves, but fundementally must make connections outside of the individual they exist in (through socialization they "connect" to the neurons in other people brains, these out-of-body connections are just as important to the life of a neuron as connections within the body)

Humans neurons evolved to require socialization, as social animals, and algorithms are perfectly suited to take advantage of that

To escape cultural pollution we need to disconnect from social and cultural influences, the the reason this is almost impossible to do is because of how deeply connected we become to our mental and social world. The dissasociation, derealization, depersonalization, and social isolation which are necessary come with extreme risk of psycological and physiological damage.


i might change the page name, since i've been including more psychological and sociological stuff, instead of just neuroscience