An infinite scream passes through all of nature


Across the clouds, the setting sun bled
And I saw great tongues of fire
The sky turned a blood red
As they wailed in their silent choir

Trembling with anxiety
and breathing the smoke
of two million burning acres
I sensed an infinite scream
Passing through all of nature


8/13 i think i have developed a sort of psychotic obsession with the sun in the last three or four years caused by being prescribed amphetamines
the solar cycle and excruciating withdrawl cycle synchronicity combined with just the normal level of insanity caused by taking amphetamines for years growing up has me existentially overwhelmed by it's simultaneous impermanence and infinite repetition.
(that is, i think, a feeling that refers both the sun *and* myself... and really just everything.
impending doom and the inevitability of everything ending but also the lack of relief in the end because of the infinite cycle)
it's a personal emotional trigger as well as sort of symbolically emotionally charged as a part of the course of history and things like that
i'm almost certain that edvard munch developed a near identical sort of psychosis as i have
it was always bad for me but it was mostly a personal sort of anxiety. until the fires got really bad and the skies turned orange nonstop then it became more existential