
this is a hidden page for me to experiment with writing new code, there's also some writings here i haven't put on the rest of the site yet

This is my home page of my test HTML web page. Right now i am using a HTML style on this paragraph. It uses a hexidecimal color, font size of 16 px and text shadow.

This is my home page of my test HTML web page. Right now i am using a HTML style on this paragraph. It uses a hexidecimal color, font size of 16 px and text shadow.

This is my home page of my test HTML web page. Right now i am using a HTML style on this paragraph. It uses a hexidecimal color, font size of 16 px and text shadow.

This is my home page of my test HTML web page. Right now i am using a HTML style on this paragraph. It uses a hexidecimal color, font size of 16 px and text shadow.

This is my home page of my test HTML web page. Right now i am using a HTML style on this paragraph. It uses a hexidecimal color, font size of 16 px and text shadow.

This is my home page of my test HTML web page. Right now i am using a HTML style on this paragraph. It uses a hexidecimal color, font size of 16 px and text shadow.

Kali Yuga

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No culture or artifact of culture or subculture ever actually gets better over time. Absolutely everything in the world is in a constant process of getting worse, what appears to be a culture getting better is actually the introduction of truly new artifacts of culture, new genes are introduced into the populace of the collective consciousness.
A small degree of (good) development upon an origin, if any, is actually part of the creation of the original good (i.e the origin is still in the process of being created), and the reality is that further development simply represents an extention of the host artifact, which is not complete yet. Once the host artifact of culture is complete, it only ages.

>The development of a cultural origin may be better described as *discovering* it's inate good qualities which were not initially known, as opposed to creating them.*

*for those looking to be optimistic, I think it's possible that the good qualities of a thing are not as finite as they seem, as new cultural contexts are created by *other* new cultural origins, and within these new contexts there may be further development to discover in the old cultural origins

It's just like how people always get older, nobody ever gets younger, instead they are just replaced with new people. (After a certain age, development of the origin is complete, and from that point the desired quality comes not from continued growth but from stability.**) In the same sense culture follows entropy. The quality of goodness only comes from cultural youth. A culture only appears to become better though continuous origination.

**although... Just like culture, the value of life and meaning of existence even as we grow beyond some imagined ideal, beyond our simple orignation and progenation, our basic childhood development, is the continuous discovery of the self, something ultimately indistinguishable from the *creation* of the self.

something can be good from staying the same, or from a constant rebirth, but not by being recklessly added to and distorted after it's origination is complete. It's not that something needs to stay the same or that needs NOT to, it's just that it cannot bear entropy within it's definition.


No culture or artifact of culture or subculture ever actually gets better over time. Absolutely everything in the world is in a constant process of getting worse, what appears to be a culture getting better is actually the introduction of truly new artifacts of culture, new genes are introduced into the populace of the collective consciousness.
A small degree of (good) development upon an origin, if any, is actually part of the creation of the original good (i.e the origin is still in the process of being created), and the reality is that further development simply represents an extention of the host artifact, which is not complete yet. Once the host artifact of culture is complete, it only ages.

>The development of a cultural origin may be better described as *discovering* it's inate good qualities which were not initially known, as opposed to creating them.*

*for those looking to be optimistic, I think it's possible that the good qualities of a thing are not as finite as they seem, as new cultural contexts are created by *other* new cultural origins, and within these new contexts there may be further development to discover in the old cultural origins

It's just like how people always get older, nobody ever gets younger, instead they are just replaced with new people. (After a certain age, development of the origin is complete, and from that point the desired quality comes not from continued growth but from stability.**) In the same sense culture follows entropy. The quality of goodness only comes from cultural youth. A culture only appears to become better though continuous origination.

**although... Just like culture, the value of life and meaning of existence even as we grow beyond some imagined ideal, beyond our simple orignation and progenation, our basic childhood development, is the continuous discovery of the self, something ultimately indistinguishable from the *creation* of the self.

Humanity no longer exists.

For all of history, humans have used tools, but never before have tools used humans.

The use of tools, which we use to shape our environment, and our ability for complex socialization

in the beauty of culture are the two things which most people would argue define us above all else,

they are the very things which make us human. Even as individuals, what creates each of us,

what fundamentally makes us up as people, within our own mind and our experience of the

entire world around us is our environment and our socialization. -But what happens when our

entire environment is industrial? What happens if our socialization, if every aspect of culture and

connection, is within the influence of an algorithm?

What would happen if humanity was mediated by something which we created, a tool, an environment,

and its purpose was to mechanize our complex systems of socialization?

Beyond even what is obviously a machine, there exist metaphysical machines within the

collective consciousness, a demiurge made of tulpas, a mechanism of social constructs, cultural

machines, political machines, economic machines, and those which have no name.

We live in a post-human age.


I think the classic philosophical dilemma of "how do I know you red is the same as my red, what if you see red the way I see blue?" applies to our
psychology and fundamental experience of the world more than we are capable of expressing, especially when we realize we are not even
connected to our *own* experiences as soon as the smallest aspect of yourself changes. As time passes and we experience different worlds and cultures
We go through times of experiences we will never be able to experience or understand again. We almost always imagine these intuitively as chronological,
as eras of our life, and when we look back to them from a distance we call it nostalgia but the reality is that they are more of a place, our
mental world, and we are wandering without even knowing there is such thing as steering, and even when we try to change anything, we will only find
ourselves as an individual living through history, being swept by cultural currents almost impossible to fight against or even see. And when we do not see
these internal worlds as a chronology but as a place of the human ego within consciousness, it's likely from contrasting life against only a single experience,
when we come home from a trip somewhere, when we escape from the world into nature, when we emerge from a great story, when we awake from a dream or escape
Plato's cave. But there is no "outside", there is definitely a direction to strive for, but ultimately the worlds are infinite, they are literally as infinite as
anything that the mind could imagine. often people limit themselves to only one or maybe two great revelations within their life, i mean truly worldchanging experiences,
because after one worldchanging shift in our mental world, people fall into acceptance again, they've already "woken up" from what they imagined was
the dream world, we've already done it, there is no further disillusionment beyond leaving behind everything.

>i might be restating something you've already said and im sorry if thats the case but i think the sickness goes back before the internet a little

very much. like america ruins cultures when it tries to spread it's economic values, and the people who try to fight back against american influence focus soley on fighting the economic exploitation*.so basically instead of being better than america they start competing with america to do the same thing, but ~equitable~ or whatever

*(people who fight on basis of culture always fail to win their cultural escape from the harm of america, and end up reducing the cultural fight as a small part of being used as justification within what is primarly an economic or geopolitical conflict)

>its impossible to compete with america without becoming american because america is really good at what it does


(talking about old web archives)
im glad someone else actually sees why i lked it

>no yeah like it made me remember what it was like to use the internet before it was like... an obligation i think the webarchives page adds a lot to the rest of my site

>it really illustrates what you're saying

it like adds context and actual emotion to what im trying to say. otherwise its just walls of text yeah


the internet used to be like a dreamworld. and then it like..

>yes i agree totally

it collided with the real world. and then both were ruined, real life wasnt real., and there was nothing left to dream about

>we talk about the dream when we wake up and while we dream. everyone has the same dream at all hours

yeah... collective conciousness has gone wrong or something. i was just looking at the "rules of the internet" .. its weird how like... so much of this was kind of already known.. but nobody actually knew how important their observations were

>yeah lol

it's like learning about ancient greek philosophy or something knowing that the empires were going to fall. rule one of the internet was the fight club joke.. dont talk about /b/


a lot of the rules are like that, where its like damn its not a joke that was actually good advice. in 2016 we talked about /b/, and now look what happened



i went on a road trip to LA with my friend, his sister and her friend bc he got free disneyland tickets. it was only like three days with two days of driving and we barely slept, which was like the perfect way to experience LA because it felt more like a funny dream than an actual hellscape. .....

we had an airbnb which was just one room in a house being rented out to other people, and we had to go in one side door to get to a tiny room with no ac and a bathroom shared with the people a room across from us. no ac and it was a heatwave, four of us and only one bed. and the house was just like in the middle of this sprawl of other houses which were supposedly normal

and on our way back we took a different route, after leaving LA and driving in the hills for a while we stopped in this town called solvang. i think i told this story in a post once

>i dont remember the post so please keep going

the whole town is danish/german themed. it was so weird because it genuinely felt so pleasant and dreamlike. i mean it was also dreamlike because i was sleep deprived and we were drivng so long

really weird experience

>yeah thats like >fucking bizarre

they had tons of bakeries, clock maker antique store a small painting store, whatever else, like the stores were even what youd expect in a danish town i really liked that place
and the funny thing is when we started driving away
we like start to leave the town, maybe three minuts out, but like as soon as we leave ....
im basically falling asleep in the car
my friend, whos driving, points forwards and says " is that a rocket?"

>holy shit what

i like open my eyes and sit up and see a rocket taking off in the distance
i cant remember what rocket it actually was, i tried to look up rocket launches for like 15 minutes but we were going into hills where there wasnt reception
anyway, super weird dreamlike three days. funny story
but also kind of unrelated that town made me think
i mean
especially after i had just been in los angeles
what if america was just good instead

>yeah >parts of it are >parts of it are built by recent immigrants like solvang >people who dont want america >or rather like

we could have built the whole place to feel that good.

>the hyperreal america >i dont think americans could do it

i know part of the dreamlike stuff is due to it being a werid three days but i also do think we could just be living a more dreamlike life if things werent fucked up like los angeles is ............................

(on topic of international travel)
also that last part, where its selling a life nobody actually lives because it was destroyed in order to be sold, i feel like thats slowly becoming literally everything and not just tourism

>experiences become commodities and social signifiers.
>the internet demands your identity and it demands evidence of it and that evidence is experiences youve had and posted about and captured and given up to it
>and more than that we just think of experiences in terms of fiction
>you really fucking hit the nail on the head with that

some other interesting stories;

Once in high school my friends thought I was crazy for saying there was some tiny force that was moving my laptop screen by like a fraction of a millimeter. Like it was almost impossible to see and literally impossible to feel and I was the only person who sensed it and it was so faint I was even doubting if I was just hallucinating. Like an extremely microscopic oscillation. I was thinking like, is anyone bouncing their leg, is it because of a fan, or is it some movement from in pipes in the walls maybe? We eventually agreed it must have been bc of nearby construction, since there had been some construction the week before. But I thought it was way too quiet for that to make sense. Then 18 minutes later we got hit with an earthquake, i still believe that I sensed the faults slipping

Once I was biking through a deserted part of campus at 7am on a weekend. It was dead quiet and very foggy out. I suddenly heard thousands of people screaming out of nowhere. But I couldn’t see anyone. And in unnaturally perfect unison, the screaming would stop just as abruptly and return to completely silence, only for it to start again multiple times. It was so loud and echoey that I couldn’t even tell where it was coming from. It almost seemed like it was coming from above me. Turns out the football team practices in the early morning, and when they do, they use the stadium loudspeakers to play recordings of cheering fans. Presumably to train players to stay focused in a real game.

note to self; write about the story of the slowly moving apartment building i once saw, which turned out to be a cruise ship at the end of the street

One thing about dating as a trans girl is that at some point you also have to stop socializing with boys with the sort of tone that you’re going to be friends, from the moment you meet them you have to like talk in the way that you might end up dating. You can’t do your boy personality that you got used to doing with your old friends for years, you have to switch personalities. #Like I tried so hard to make my personality fit in with boys. Now I have to discover my personality where I don’t fit in#The only way is either you’re a total social recluse/cut off friends#Or you were already friends with a lot of girls and don’t need to make a personality switch#Having your old platonic male friend group and also trying to date guys is like… it seems really hard

5/6 genuinely how are you supposed to actually be friends. I meet people and spend time with people who are friendly and obviously we are friends but i just dont feel any more enjoyment out of spending time together. whatever i felt when i was a kid is just gone now. I used to be so excited about talking to people and hearing people tell me about things and about doing things together with people. I just dont feel it anymore. All i feel is a surface level enjoyment of when something's funny but i dont feel a lot of enjoyment from any other part of socializing. I feel like i had my ability for enjoying friendship bullied out of me as a kid. I’m literally nonstop jealous of everyone and the friendships and relationships they have even though I dont experience any social or sexual drive at all and would not be happier if I was in their position anyway

site created nov 9 2022

should equal 124 days

This shows the days since the last IT or network issue that resulted in angry clients, angry boss people or unscheduled downtime of any servers.

Days Since Last Incident:

Previous Period: 74

All Time Record: 221


Note: Button doesn't actually work yet...



Through tightened block

Cleat the sail

Hike broadly your head

Past the rail

In the furious waves

That beckon hail

Tame the ocean

By line and hand

Deep into the mist

Far away from land




A world made of change

of life lived in waves

cyclical self destruction

each crest heralds graves

searching for a sublime lie

for something that saves

an escape from the grip

of the great facade

for the son so loved the world

that he killed his only god



From every mountain top she wails and sings
A howling upon the height
She is there in the flap of the quail's wings
In delicate grace of flight
A gentle touch of air by day
But wrathful gales by Night
She makes dress flutter and hair sway
Sailing ship and flying kite

To her, forests bow and yield
The great harbinger of mist and cloud
Which fall upon plow and field
Across the lands a drifting shroud

In sky and in showers
Only from her the steep grows
To blooming meadows of flowers
All that we reap, she sows

Fire writhes before her call
As it fears her omen
Waves rise, crest, and fall
On the piers of every ocean
Even the dry deserts crawl
In a thousand years of motion
To the cry of her thrall
the peaks and poles are frozen

Through all she flows
Above all she towers
Where the wind blows
Beauty overpowers

Tochter aus Elysium

(these are two of the stanzas i abandoned)

How the summer sun glows
bright are the days without care
through fall soft wind blows
the leaves dancing on air
gently the winter snows
dressing the old hills fair
until at long last spring grows
the greatest beauty to bear

Here in a new green meadow
the sun shines with love for life,
A light which casts my shadow




